Monday, August 31, 2009

I think my kids are genuinely well-behaved and studious this year. It amazes me how different an entire group of students can be from a previous group. Last year's kids were somewhat obnoxious--though fun to joke around with, I felt like I was already sending kids to the hall at this point. This year's kids seem pretty good. I only have 1 boy that's a bit talkative, but again, he seems like a nice kid, and he comes from a good family. (You would be amazed how often the kids' families are referred to when discussing behavior and disposition at my little teeny school!) This group can also answer my questions--unlike last year's group who seemed to completely blank during the summer, these kids seem to recall things from long ago. Fantastic.

Today, we finished reading "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant. Because I hear the stories 7 times a day, I got a little bored with it, but each period, I was surprised to see the kids actually react to the end of the story. I assumed that since I was bored, they had to be bored, but I was wrong. The kids even asked questions about the story, which for a teacher, is an amazing feeling--to know they are thinking about something to which you introduced them. Amazing.

I am 5 weeks and 5 days today and I still feel great. Hubs and I went for a walk this evening, and I'm feeling good. I'm still just a little crampy every now and then, and I still get super tired, but I'm still happy :) Eating lots of fruit and veggies and drinking some good ole orange juice. Who could ask for a better week 5??

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