Wednesday, September 2, 2009

So, I'm still exhausted all the time--especially after school, though, when I'm not frantically running around teaching a million kids a bajillion things. Though I'm super tired...I can't sleep. This is an all-of-a-sudden development, like over the last 3 days. I lay down to take my 2-hour nap, and nothing. I go to bed at 8 thinking I can't possibly stay awake for one more minute...nothing--I toss and turn for hours. Tonight, I did both--nap around 5, nothing, bed at 10, nothing. I AM SO FREAKING TIRED IT'S RIDICULOUS.

I would venture to say that Hubs would tell you I've already reached some moodiness. I go from lovey-dovey, "I'm so glad I married you" on one day to, "I want to rip your eyeballs out" the next. This could be a direct result of being tired, though, and not being pregnant.

School is still going well. I am still waiting on the bottom to drop out with my kids because they are SO FREAKING GOOD. It is insane. Today, they had to read "To Build a Fire" by Jack London (not an exciting page-turner, let me tell you), and they all read. Every period. All day. During my 9th period (traditionally the least well-behaved class of the day), I almost wanted to run next door and tell the teacher to come look at my class. "Just look at them!" I wanted to say, "They're all........WORKING!!" Out of 120 kids, I only had 3 of them not turn in their first homework assignment today--AMAZING. Last year, about 70 out of 120 didn't turn in their homework assignment. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that these are all signs of an excellent year ahead.

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