Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I was afraid to go to sleep last night for fear that everything yesterday was a dream. I was afraid I'd wake up and the pregnancy books I bought would have vanished, the cramps would be gone, my hand wouldn't be bruised from the blood work, and the positive pregnancy test I left sitting on the counter (to remind myself that it IS true) would have disappeared. But I woke up, and everything was still where it was yesterday. I am still pregnant. I am still going to be a mommy.

I really need this cramping to ease up, though. I still feel like I'm about to start my period any day now. I wadded up a pillow, held it to my stomach, and slept curled in the fetal position for most of the night because of the cramping and soreness. If I hadn't taken that test yesterday, I would be calling these some of the worst period cramps of my life....but since I know what's causing it, I'm ok with it. Everything I've read says cramps are fine as long as there is no blood, and if there is blood, everything is still fine as long as the blood isn't that fresh dark red blood.

I'm really excited (if you didn't get that from my post yesterday). There are so many things I "can't wait" for--Wednesday's beta test (to tell me this baby-these babies?-are growing as they're supposed to), my 6-week u/s (to look for that sac), my 8-week u/s (for the heartbeat), all u/s after that (just to see the baby!). These months are going to go by so fast. This is all still so unbelievable.

1 props:

K8e said...

OMG I didn't have my beta for a long while so I took a test EVERY day for a week! My DH thought I was nuts and I just threw out the tests last week after taking many pics of them! Don't worry even now I'm worried it's not real and I am 9 weeks! I think after all we have been through its hard to believe it really is true! Don't worry is it! I am so happy for you! How fun to start the school year with a little surprise! Now you just have to keep gossiping co-workers at bay! I hope you don't have bad morning sickness that will be hard to hide!