Thursday, August 27, 2009

Other than being tired enough to take a 2-hour nap every day when I get home from work, I'm not feeling that much. I can't even say that's baby-related, though, because I've always had to take naps after work. I don't know that they were 2 hours, but naps have always been a constant for me. No sickness, nothing else.

I did gain a couple pounds already, though, which aggravates me because since being pregnant, I have eaten better than I have at any other time in my life: salads, tons of veggies, hot sauce/chicken wraps on whole-grain tortillas, breakfast wraps (same whole-grain tortillas) with sausage, egg, and green pepper, and TONS of fruits. So, I don't get it...I don't get what I'm doing wrong. Yesterday, I decided to wear my "roomy" pair of dresspants that I could literally slide off of me without unbuttoning as of June--all of a sudden, there's not even a budge. No room to move.

I know I gained a couple of pounds from my laziness this summer, but not enough for my clothes to not fit. I feel UNBELIEVABLY BLOATED and GROSS!!! Keep away from the scale, Christina.

My students seem alright so far. All of my classes are full, and I have a couple of periods in which I don't have enough desks. We jumped right into some note-taking today (2nd day of school), and I only have 1 class period during which I must DRAG answers out of them--it's like asking questions of a brick wall!!! But, they'll talk nonstop so long as it has nothing to do with the subject! I just hope they learn something this year; even if they do spend some of my class period zoning out!

0 props: