Sunday, July 5, 2009

Friday is my next "mid-cycle" u/s, though my last "mid-cycle" u/s was only a little over a week ago. Hopefully, this Friday will have better results and we'll actually be able to do the IUI this weekend or the following Monday.

Sometimes when I'm lying in bed at night, waiting patiently to fall asleep for hours and hours, I get some thought stuck in my mind. I'll obsess about that thought, and it will make it that much more difficult for me to go to sleep. For example, the night before a new school year, I'll OBSESS about conversations I'll have, the way I'll phrase things, whether or not it will be a good school year, etc. Some nights, I get a song stuck in my head and I will sing the same line of that song over and over again. It ends up driving me nuts!

The other night, I had this happen while sleeping in a hotel room in WV. I got this thought in my head that I would have twins, and I obsessed about it. In my "almost sleep" state, I had myself convinced that I could will it to happen. Stupid, I know, but it was about 5 or 6 hours of tossing and turning with the obsessive thought in my head.

Who knows? Maybe Friday will show two beautiful follicles....

1 props:

K8e said...

GL Friday! I am sorry you are having trouble sleeping! I grind my teeth so bad i wear a night guard! So you are not alone!