Monday, July 6, 2009

That's how I'm feeling today, just blah. My neck/head hurts from sitting around all day today, but I have accomplished finishing another book and playing two computer games. Oh my GOD!! Did I really just admit to the world that I spent all day reading and playing games on my computer---I am SUCH a DORK!!

Babies are on the brain today, and it hurts, and I hate thinking about it, and I hate waiting and hoping. I've decided to start referring to our "baby-making" as "Operation Baby Hank" (OBH for short), simply because it's sort of embarrassing to keep referring to "baby-making" after almost 16 months. It's more like "baby-hoping" or "baby-really-trying-hard-but-getting-nothing." Operation Baby Hank makes it sound more like what it is turning out to be...after all, isn't that what all of this is about? We're "attacking" my hormones, we're "attacking" Nathan's hormones, we're "attacking" my uterus with probes and (soon-to-be) syringes filled with the man juice. Operation Baby Hank sounds so much more appropriate than "we're trying to have a baby". lol...trying to have a baby is what we were doing in March, 2008, now it's something totally different.

This week is going to go soooooo slowly. The only things I have to look forward to this week (and subsequently, the only days I have any plans to do anything) are Bruno, which we're going to see Thursday afternoon, and my Friday mid-cycle u/s. I'm not even looking forward to Bruno that much because I'm not a huge fan of movies that make me feel uncomfortable (i.e. Jackass), but Nathan's wanted to see it for forever, and since he IS sitting through Harry Potter with me next week, I guess I owe it to him.

I have to confess something, or I'm going to burst. I wasn't supposed to start taking my Clomid last Monday. I was supposed to wait until Tuesday, because the RE couldn't get me an appointment on Thursday ("CD13"), so I was to wait a day, which would make this Friday CD13. I, however, decided to start my pills anyhow since I've always had slow growth and I've never been anywhere near triggering when I've gone in on CD13 in the past. Now, I'm a little nervous that I might've screwed something up. Hopefully not, but I guess we'll see on Friday.

1 props:

K8e said...

Oooo I am looking forward to your friday post!
I pretty much had the same day over here, but I forced myself to walk around the mall with a friend and her baby in the am!