Monday, July 27, 2009

On to a new cycle.

CD2 u/s today--No cysts!!! YAY!!!!

I had my injects training, and can I just say I love the nurses at this office? I take back all the stuff I said in my previous post about my RE, because they are truly wonderful and I was just looking for someone to blame.

I start my follistim injections tomorrow and will be doing 100ml for the next 6 days. Then, I have another u/s on Monday and we'll figure out where to go from there. What I like about the follistim (vs. Clomid) is that the goal is overstimulation--more eggs = better chances. Also, hopefully I will respond better to the injects and have less side effects.

I am considering doing back-to-back (B2B) IUIs this cycle. As this is my last month of summer vacation, I think we should be as aggressive as possible and see what happens. The B2B IUIs will cost $500, but at this point, I can't see a reason to NOT do them. That is, of course, unless anyone has any info on the success rates of 1 IUI/cycle versus B2B IUIs??

Edit: Just read the paperwork and it looks like B2B IUI's are what my RE does with inject cycles...Cost of medications for this cycle (as of today)= $290; Cost of B2B IUI's= $500; Cost per monitoring appointment (average of 4 appointments per inject cycle with my RE = 4) $10 x 4 = $40. Total potential cost for this cycle if no additional meds have to be purchased = $830.

Having a baby...Priceless.

So, I'm thinking this will be our last cycle for awhile simply due to the cost. If this doesn't work, who knows how long it will be before we are able to cycle again.

2 props:

Nerwal said...

Here is a link to their IUI FAQ page... they mention that some doctors do not believe b2b IUI's help anything, some doc's think it adds 6% chance. HTH and GL with the injectibles - they were a piece of cake.

Christina said...

Thank you, thank you! I actually just read in my packet that my doc requires b2b iuis with inject cycles. So, I guess I don't have a choice. I didn't realize that. Hope 2 of them helps!