Tuesday, July 28, 2009

and decided that due to the cost of this cycle, this will be it for awhile. We're going "Balls to the Wall" aggressive with the injects and the B2B IUIs, so I guess we're doing everything we can for our "last cycle."

We're currently saving to buy a house next year, and it's not feasible to spend $1,000+ a month on fertility while trying to save money for a home. A home is a sure bet--we will end up being able to get a house, but fertility treatments are not--we could be spending $1,000 a month for nothing. Insurance only covers ultrasounds ($10.00 copay) and nothing else--no IF coverage, but they will cover Viagra. ::eye roll::

We'll try a couple rounds of inject/IUIs again at the beginning of the year, but that's it. That's the end of the road. As I've said on here before, we will not do IVF.

1 props:

Christa said...

Let's hope this cycle will be "the one"! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!