Friday, July 17, 2009

So, after feeling so optimistic yesterday, I had a minor let-down today. I felt absolutely nothing today. No hunger. No tiredness. No cramps (except maybe 1 or 2 twinges all day). No excessive peeing. Nothing. So disappointing. I'm now desperately hoping the "different" feelings I have been having weren't just a result of the trigger shot, which tends to make me feel nauseous and have sore bbs for about a week.

My trigger shots are almost always gone by 9dpo (would be 10dpiui). I can't decide if I'm going to test or not. I know, I know...the disappointment of a BFN would be much more difficult to swallow than waiting out those last 4 or so days.

I was unbelievably productive today, though. I got my vocabulary lists and mid-quarter quizzes done for the entire school year!! I have found that having as much of this "little stuff" as possible done in advance is immensely helpful in this position. Being able to come in on a Monday and know what vocab words, journal topics, and grammar sentences to write on the board makes each day go so much more smoothly.

I also bought a ton of school supplies ($100 worth, woops!). Again, having been through it this past year, I know what I need to get myself better organized this year. And, since I'm a freak when it comes to organization, those $100 worth of supplies will work very well---Plus, it doesn't hurt that I LOVE new school supplies. Always have!!

I still have about 5 weeks until school starts again, and I'm already getting nervous. Last night, I tossed and turned in bed until 3:30am having practice conversations with imaginary students and rehashing conversations with kids from last year that I want to do better this time around. I kept thinking about my rules and how I can better approach managing the kids this year. I'm sooooo antsy! I need to relax, focus on baby-making, and enjoy these last 5 weeks.

0 props: