Saturday, July 25, 2009

Yesterday, I came to terms with my failed cycle, and I'm ok with it. (Although I did go and buy another box of FRER HPTs just in case...) But, honestly, I'm just ready to get on with it. Cycles always seem to have this cyclical emotional pattern for me:

CD1-3= Super Nervous about baseline, please no cysts!!
CD3-7= Ugh!! I hate Clomid, someone kill me!!
CD7-13= I hope that worked
CD14-15= Grow follies, grow!! Tons of optimism by this point in the cycle.
CD16= Yay!! I'm triggering! OMG! OMG! OMG!
CD17-32ish= Please, please, please tell me that worked!
CD30-32ish= It didn't work, and I just know it.
CD32= So, unbelievably sad. Let's move on.

I'm cramping today, so I know what's coming, and I'm just ready for it. Maybe next cycle will be the cycle? If nothing else, maybe the switch to injects will help...who knows!

1 props:

K8e said...

UGH I HATE CLOMID TOO! Injects WILL work! They are crazy good and not as painful as you think! GL!