Saturday, July 11, 2009

What a cray morning. We were up at 7, and N. tried hitting the snooze button. I rolled over and said, "No, no, can't. You have to get up and go feel sexy." lol Poor guy. I can't imagine how stressful it is to know you have to perform so early in the morning with your wife waiting upstairs, and you have to start and be done within a 10-minute time frame. How stressful!! I wouldn't be able to do it.

Nonetheless, he's a trooper, and he had a whopper of a count this morning. 23mil pre-wash with 39% motility and 10mil post-wash with 90% motility. Great, great numbers!!! His first SA was 10mil with 50% motility.

The RE said our conditions couldn't be more perfect and that we have great chances. With my 3 eggs and his good count and the perfection of the timing, everything is in place. Now, these pieces just need to connect. If it doesn't happen this cycle (which I dread thinking about), the RE encouraged us to move on to injectibles as most couple who will be successful on Clomid will get pg within the first 3 ovulatory cycles on it. This will be my third cycle.

Now, we enter the dreaded 2ww. I'm so nervous!!

3 props:

Kristen said...

I'm so happy for you that it went so smoothly! :-) Can't wait to hear your awesome news in two weeks!!!!!!!!

K8e said...

yay! GL! I hope the 2ww is an easy one! Can't wait to hear your results!!!

K8e said...

Yay! Can't wait to hear how it turns out!