Thursday, July 16, 2009

I know I'm being obnoxiously optimistic about this IUI working. I'm being so optimistic, in fact, that I am getting on my own nerves and telling myself to shut up.

But...I feel different this time. I have had light, light cramping ever since the IUI. I'm not sure if it's from the IUI or what, but it has been pretty constant. It started out as a painful cramp on Saturday and Sunday--it hurt to use the bathroom because my woman parts (specifically, cervix) were all irritated. Then, Monday through today, it has been an occasional, sporadic, spontaneous radiating cramp that spans both sides of my uterus and my uterus itself. It is too early to be AF cramps, and they don't feel like AF cramps. I know I'm more observant of every slight twinge and pinprick during this sensitive time, but I'm telling you....this just feels different. I've never had cramping for the entire 2ww. Hopefully, this is a good sign, but I'm trying not to read too much into it.

I also slept for 2.5 hours today from 3-5:30, and I slept about half an hour yesterday afternoon. Those that know me are thinking, "Yeah, but you ALWAYS take naps!" and I certainly have been known to say that sleeping is my favorite holiday, but I haven't been taking late afternoon naps like that for the last month or so! Again, maybe that's a good sign, and then again, maybe I just need some exercise.

In other news...I went to lunch with a friend from HS today (Hey, T!!!). It was awesome to catch up with a good friend!! Those are moments when I am thankful for the stalker-network that is Facebook.

1 props:

Anonymous said...

Hey Christina! Yeah, teh Facebooks are a stalker's best friend. =)
It was great to see you too!