Tuesday, July 14, 2009

These are more a reminder to myself than anything else...
1. We had three good-sized follies.
2. We had a good number of sperm post-wash.
3. 80% of people who will be successful with Clomid will get pg within the first 3 ovulatory cycles--this is my third.
4. IUI's have a higher success rate for people under age 32--We are both 25.
5. IUI's have approximately a 20% success rate (slightly higher with more sperm, younger age, and more follies)--the way I see it, I have a better chance of this working that most fertile couple have each natural cycle.
6. Couples who will get pg off IUI will do so within the first 4 IUIs.

Must keep repeating these facts to myself!!

1 props:

JackieMac said...

I really hope this is it for you - lucky # 3!!!!!