Friday, July 10, 2009

I had my second mid-cycle u/s this morning, and I cannot tell you how nervous I was. I had the nervous need-to-pee, and the nervous butterflies-in-my-stomach. I was so worried that screen would show nothing, and that I would have to do another round of clomid.

There was a new doctor at the RE's office. She came in, we talked a little about how much I hate clomid, she asked if I've had any cramps, I told her I've had the worst cramps every this time around, she got the wand ready, put it in, I looked at the screen, and...

I saw the most beautiful follicle on the right side. It was the biggest one I've ever had. It measured 22mm, and it was ready to blow!

Then, she moved the wand to look at the left side, and...

Two more beautiful follies. One of these was a 17mm and the other was 15mm. She said the 17 will probably ovulate and the 15 may ovulate if it grows.

I got a little warning speech about the risk of multiples, but if you've been reading this blog, I would welcome 2 babies--3 would be insane, but I gotta take what I can get.

IUI #1 is tomorrow morning at 9. Everyone, please, cross your fingers, braid your hair, wish on shooting stars, and pray that this works for us.

1 props:

K8e said...

yay! That is such good news!!!!!!!!!!!GL at your IUI! Can't wait to hear how it turns out!