Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tonight, the hubs and I decided to take ourselves out for an enjoyable evening at the local cinema (lol, soooo old school!). It was a toss-up between Mall Cop and Taken, but we decided we were in an adventurous mood and went with Taken.

After paying our $13.50, purchasing our $9 drink and popcorn, and making our way through the ticket stand, we seated ourselves in the best possible location in the movie theater and settled in for 20 minutes of pre-movie advertisements. We were one seat away from people on our left and one seat away from the couple to our right. Based on the available seats surrounding us and their sporadic placement between other couples, we felt safe in our assumption that no one could sit near us.

We were wrong.

Just as the lights were darkening and the previews were commencing, a pair of tall, men made their way down the row in front of us, creeped past several couples to get to the two open seats directly in front of us.

Never in my life have I smelt (is that a word?) anything as foul as these two men.

These men smelled as if they had just bathed in a barrel of rancid fish. It was the most god awful smell. I immediately shot Nathan a, "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" stare, to which he cracked up. The women sitting on either side of the two men covered their noses. Nathan and I watched in amusement while the men who were with the women repeatedly mouthed, "You wanna move??" to the women, who were decent, respectable (stupid?) enough to say no.

I, on the other hand, refused to spend my $13.50 (plus $9.00 for popcorn/pop) to smell that god-awful smell for two hours. It only took us a few minutes to decide that the smell was not going away and we had to move. Respectable/decent or not, I was not going to leave the theater with a headache from that smell!

Other than that, the movie was enjoyable :)

0 props: