Thursday, February 12, 2009

My district decided which emergency levy it would put on the May ballot, and while I fully support its decision, I am deeply saddened that we cannot ask for more from our community. One of the two levy options allowed for immediate, but temporary help for our district including the rehiring of laid-off staffers and meeting the minimum requirements for facility maintenance and curriculum requirements. This option requires the district to go back to the ballot in 5 years. The second option allowed for all the commitments of the first option PLUS technology upgrades, a curriculum director, a part-time technology coordinator, and permanent improvements to the facilities and curriculum materials. Obviously, the best choice in this economy was the first option, but I am saddened that we are (again) unable to give our kids all they truly deserve as students in our modern society. What are we keeping them from by not providing them with these commodities?

I feel like I am one step closer to going back to school. This summer, I will get my 5-year license, and I have that amount of time to take a couple of courses before applying for license renewal. I only have 4 or 5 courses to take before I can test for the curriculum specialist license (an administrative license), and I am fairly certain this is the area of education into which I want to delve. I love teaching, but I definitely think I'm destined to go beyond the classroom someday. I've been out of school since August; I'm absolutely taking this summer completely off because it is the first summer I've had off since I started college in 2001!!! Finally, I'll get a break. But, I assume I'll get bored after a couple of weeks.

I wonder how long it would take for me to complete those last few classes, get the admin license, and begin a Ph.D program? Or, would it be better to move toward becoming a Master Teacher first....ugh! So many decisions to make.

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