Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I don't know what I did to screw them up, but you should be able to comment now.

As a side note, I had to have blood drawn this morning (normal cycle blood work for hormones and extra blood work done for the biopsy), and they took 12 VIALS OF BLOOD!!! She had to draw it from my hand because my veins in my arms are buried, and by the 10th vial, I was clotting. So, she had to pull the needle out some and shove it back in...Oh, the gross discomfort and pain!! I thought my hand was going to die from the rubber band tied around my wrist. My fingers went cold, and I was trying to concentrate on how nice the furniture was in the room. Not to mention the fact that she kept trying to talk to me, and I knew my breath wasn't good from "fasting" for some of the blood tests.

Sheesh! Events like this should come with a warning label!

0 props: