Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Monday is the RE appointment. This week seems to be passing so slowly; apparently I am looking forward to this appointment more than I ever believed.

Unfortunately, AF decided to stop in for her random visit today (CD47), and she's back with a VENGEANCE. I was incredibly upset when it happened--worried that the RE will tell me it's too late to do anything this cycle, that I'll have to wait ANOTHER 60 days and see if AF ever revisits. All of this wasting more time.

I'm hoping there's an alternative to Clomid for this cycle, especially since it will be too late to start Clomid when the appointment comes around. Maybe some sort of trigger shot to induce O around the time when it should happen? Some other sort of med that can be take after AF? I'm trying to stay optimistic and positive, but I'm really worried that because AF came too early, I will be out of the race for this cycle :(

0 props: