Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I like to think I have a high tolerance for pain. The tattoo on my foot was two hours of swollen skin and a needle irritating ever last nerve in my body, but I held fast throughout the session. I thought that would be the ultimate pain in my life and that I would never have to experience anything close to that (other than childbirth, obviously).

But my biopsy takes the cake as the most painful experience in my life, and it was only about 5 minutes long. I'd love to explain all the gory, bloody (literally) details, but let's just leave it at this--it felt like someone had a cotton swab deep inside my body and they were using it to try and tunnel through my skin. Pressure like a S.O.B. All for the tiniest of endometrium samples. Definitely not something I would recommend to anyone.

I will get the results at my 30-45 minute appointment on Monday, March 9. Nathan will be going with me to this meeting, and I hope to get some good news! Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts.

In related news, a co-worker told me today that she is pregnant and due August 14th. I put on my happy face and gave her the best "congratulations" I could muster while feeling my uterus twinge with a jealousy from the depths of my soul. Really, I'm happy for her...just increasingly angry with myself.

The kids drove me nuts today. I absolutely felt like I was dragging them through the mud, and every time I heard, "What are we supposed to be doing?" I thought about gouging my eyeballs out.

1 props:

Kristen said...

I'm sorry it was more painful than you anticipated. But it's over. And I too hope you get FABULOUS news on the 9th!

(I hear you about the kids right now. I'm at the end of my rope, and Spring Break is four weeks away!!!!!)