Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Here's a blog about the TTC; those "in the know" should be able to follow :)

Today, I got too excited. The last week, I have had extremely sore BB and some really random pains. I did some calculations based on the fact that last cycle was 42 days. Concluding that O would've happened around CD28 on 1/23 (14 days before AF), 7 days AFTER my p4 CD21 test, I decided I could be pg now (11dpo), and got a hair-brained idea to test. BFN

I was so disappointed, and I wasn't even expecting a BFP. It's been 5 months since I last POAS. Last August and September, I obsessively POASd every few weeks. After all the BFNs, I just stopped, and I haven't gone back to it until today. Now I remember WHY I stopped doing it.

Tonight, I asked my hubs...Is it wrong for me to go to an RE? I feel like people with real problems, like needing IVF and IUI, go to REs, and I don't feel like my problems are that significant. But, we have been TTC since last March and 80% of couples will be successful with pg during the first year, and I would assume that means without any extra help. I've already gotten the extra help, and still, nothing...I just hope I'm not using the REs time that could be better spent with someone who really needs him. But am I at a point where I really need him?

3 props:

Amanda said...

I thought I was in the know.... WOAH i'm not! Lost I am thought!

Kristen said...

I'm SO glad I found your blog!! I think you DEFINITELY made the right decision to go to the RE...if nothing else than for peace of mind. He'll sit with you and go through your cycle and start to determine where things are going wrong. That alone is worth the visit!

Amanda said...

I'm glad Lexis agreeded that even though we are in the know we are not so in the know when it comes to the acronyms!