Sunday, February 22, 2009

I've been sort of dreading tomorrow for the last week, but I've also been looking forward to it because I'll soon have my answers and I won't have to stress out any more.

Because I am currently on CD12 of a VERY HEAVY AF, I'm worried that he won't be able to get enough of a sample from the lining. From what I've read online, the RE will send the results of the biopsy to a pathologist, who will then determine whether or not the sample is sufficient enough. If not, I will have to go in for a d&c to get a larger sample. Judging by the severity of AF these past two weeks, it would be a wonder to me if there is anything left for him to sample.

I slept from 2am last night until 5:35 pm today, and I'm blaming it all on exhaustion.

SO...fingers crossed I'll remember to do all the things I have to do tomorrow (take 2 zithromax in morning, call Nathan to find out if work let him off, call Mom to confirm need for her to go, take 4 ibuprofen one hour before procedure, remember directions to RE's office from work) and that the procedure will go over well and we'll soon get good results!

1 props:

Kristen said...

I'm dying to hear from you. I hope all went well today.