Thursday, January 29, 2009

**Pic is us literally sitting on the rim of the Grand Canyon. It was scary and fascinating at the same time.

At the advice of a friend, I finally called a Reproductive doctor. I'm excited, nervous, happy, and sad all at once. Excited to finally have some answers, to know that we are moving forward and not stagnating, to feel like someone is finally putting some effort into helping us figure out our situation. Nervous because I don't know what to expect. Happy that I will be getting monitored while fertility treatments are dumped on me, but sad that I now have to wait to receive further treatment until after I have met the RE (no second cycle of Clomid even if this cycle ends before the RE appointment).

I recently read that the woman who just gave birth to 8 babies in California already had 6 kids, is single, and is living at home with her parents. What the hell? All I want is one kid; I'm stable, successful, married, happy, and able to take care of a child, and here is some irresponsible woman giving birth left and right. It's funny how the world bites us in the ass sometimes.

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