Monday, November 30, 2009

Edited to Add: I think I MAY be feeling the baby tonight. Either that or I have some seriously weird muscle spasm going on in my upper left gut. Totally feels like baby, though. I had ice cream earlier, maybe the sugar is driving her mad!

My mom and I went shopping today (loaded with our 20% off Buy Buy Baby coupons). Mom ended up buying the baby both the crib and the bottom part of the combo dresser. I am going back in the next week or two to get the top part of the combo dresser, and in February, I'll go back for the 6-drawer dresser and the adult bed rails/toddler bed piece for the set. This set will last until the baby is at least a teenager, since it is a 4-in-1 convertible bed (crib, toddler bed, toddler daybed, full size bed). I love practical stuff!!!

Anyhow...I won't be taking pictures at my apartment of the stuff since we will be setting everything up once we buy a house, so here are just some generic pictures of the pieces from the Sorelle website. We got them in this exact color as well:

1) The all important crib!!!

2) The combo dresser/changing table/hutch.

3) The 6-drawer dresser. Although I don't really see us using it all that much right now, it's definitely going to be useful as the baby grows.

To all the moms out there (and non-moms with input!!!)...I'm putting the finishing touches on my registries but I still don't feel like I have much on either of them :( What items do you recommend that I should add? If you know my name and stuff, check out what I have listed at Tar.get and Buy Buy Baby--let me know if you can think of anything I'm missing. I know I still need a stroller, convertible carseat, and that Bumbo seat thing, but I can't think of anything else!

2 props:

SwtJess21 said...

Love the furniture. I always said I was going to get the 3 in 1 combo set too. It makes it nice and worth the money, even though they are expensive anyway. Love the color too :)

~Carla~ said...

Beautiful choice. I love it!