Monday, November 2, 2009

Today is her next treatment, so I thought I'd update ya'll on how she's doing.

For now, she's still at Mom's, house, but I think she'll be making her way down to Elizabeth's in a few days.

She FINALLY had her appointment with her new family practitioner--our family doctor left back in July and the doctors her cancer doc recommended couldn't get her in until the end of October. The new doc should be great, though, because she works really closely with Dr. S (cancer doc).

New doc took her off of her old blood pressure meds because she said they could be the reason why her old chemo stopped working since they are a diuretic and can interact with chemo.

She also recommended a foot specialist for the Geemz. G-ma's feet have been numb and extremely painful for the last few months; they say the treatments kill the nerves in the patient's feet and that nothing can be done to help them. Her feet have also swollen unbelievably, so hopefully this foot doctor can do something for her.

Other than that, she's still about the same. Tired all the time, but sleeping much less and enjoying her quality of life much more now that she's not cramped up in her old, dank, stifling house anymore. The bus drivers have been incredible!!! They drew up a calendar of volunteers who would bring food to Mammaw. She's had all kinds of things from homemade chili and pumpkin crunch pie to spinach/corn bread balls and pineapple upside down cake. This is really fantastic of them, because we run out of ideas of things for her to try to eat. It's hard for her to eat much of anything, so Mom is constantly trying new foods for her....

She's so excited about the 3d ultrasound. Can you believe she's never seen an ultrasound before??? At all!!! That's insane. I'm so glad she'll be there for this one :)

1 props:

Megs said...

I love this blog. Thankyou for sharing...I am glad your grandma will be there for the ultrasound as well