Tuesday, November 10, 2009

1. Last Friday, my principal came into our lunch and handed me a packet. He said I'd been selected as one of the "heads" for our departmental meetings this week and the week before Thanksgiving. So, I share the responsibility of "head" with a middle school teacher, and we are to lead the 14 teachers from 6-12 grade in Foreign Language, English, and the librarian. While I was pretty honored at being selected, I am still surprised that it happened--I'm the newest of all these "heads" for all departments. I should be flattered, but I'd love to know WHY me, so I can make sure it wasn't just a default choice, lol.

2. I've also become the team leader for our freshman team. This was by default because no one was stepping up to do it, and if you know me, you know I can't stand following along when no one is leading. So, I ended up doing it. I'll probably do it again next year IF there is some sort of payment for it!!!

****Let me just mention here that I zoned out as I wrote that and began researching "Freshman Transition" on the internet. I just spent over an hour perusing sites. Ugh, I'm such an over-achiever!****

3. I really want a raise next year, but I don't see it happening since we have to get our income tax reapproved. There's no way people will approve it again if we get a raise at the same time. But, let me just point out that teachers at our school have only had a 1% raise in the last 4 years.

4. I still love my job, and I love my kids.

5. At this time in two days, I will not only know the sex of our baby (barring and unforeseen bashfulness of said child), I will have purchased my first real baby-related item (a pink or blue teddy bear from Build-a-Bear).

6. Glee is back tomorrow!!!

7. It's almost Thanksgiving and I am so excited. In all honesty, I truly think Turkey Day is my most favorite holiday. Now that I think about it, some of the best family gatherings have been during Thanksgiving. I love it!! And I love that it sets off the Christmas season.

8. Today I feel like a good teacher because my kids are voluntarily conferencing with me about their essays during work time in class.

9. Today I feel like a good human being because I felt productive, driven, and like a good leader for both of my groups (#1 and #2).

10. Today I feel like a good woman because I was able to touch my belly and know a 4-inch human being is growing in there :)

1 props:

SwtJess21 said...

Yay on becoming the "head". That is awesome.

That sucks about the raises. Mine has been frozen since Jan, and we aren't even sure if we will get them this coming Jan or not :( Kinda sucks, but I still have to be thankful I have a job.

Sorry I won't be able to be there at Thanksgiving time :( I know its been fun in the past and especially "the book". I can't wait until Christmas though, it should be alot of fun all of us being there...etc. We should totally make an appt somewhere and get our picture(family pic) taken professional while we are there!!! It's an idea anyway!!?

Have a good one and good luck on thurs---can't wait to hear the details...hopefully he/she won't be "shy".