Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm wasting time. Time during which I should be grading my last two stacks of essays, creating quizzes for this week (and the next two weeks), and coming up with the uber-fun activities I am going to use to try and keep the kids in line for the next 14 school days until Christmas break fever kicks in. Instead, I'm screwing around on the internet...looking at houses and bookmarking those I want to go see (I can't believe we're meeting with the realtor this Thursday), browsing through posts on Baby Center (I can't believe I am only a week and a half or so away from being halfway through this pregnancy!!), stopping in on Facebook every now and then, and generally being a waste of space. That's right...I am SO BUSY today...doing nothing :)

Thanksgiving was great. Lots of food. I got even more fat than I already am, though I've been seriously contemplating how I will work to get all this weight off plus some once the baby arrives...Maybe I'll take up running? Ugh. I hate running. was good to see the family. Lots and lots of little ones running around anymore! Soon to be +1 next year.

Yesterday was decently productive. Hubs and I split the duties and got all the cleaning done in no time, which included steam cleaning the carpets yet again (I can't begin to tell you how many times I obsessively compulsively clean the freaking carpets). We were supposed to go to this local holiday event, but lo and behold, SOMEONE didn't show up when HE was supposed to, and I ended up getting all ready to go for NOTHING.

Husbands...can't live with them...can't smother them in their sleep.

Today I have to get some school work done. But that requires actually DOING something, and I'm so much more content just sitting here, staring at the computer all afternoon.

0 props: