Sunday, November 8, 2009

I have officially gained 3 pounds. I'm willing to argue that 3 pounds in 15 weeks, 3 days is doing pretty good, but I'm also the person who is willing to argue that I'm "pleasantly plump" and not obese, lol. No, really, though, I'm not obese. I'm guessing that all the weight gin has been to my boobs and stomach, since those are the two regions that no longer want to fit into anything I own--And my face. Oh man, my face is getting fat. Yuck. Oh well, what can I do??

My goal is to not gain more than 15 pounds throughout the pregnancy. Being fat to begin with, I don't think I really need to gain that much. I eat when I'm hungry (and can find something that won't come right back up), and I don't eat when I'm not hungry.

When this pregnancy is over--I HAVE GOT TO GET MYSELF IN CHECK!!!! I do NOT want to be one of those super fat moms!!! It's bad enough being a super fat pregnant chick and missing out on all those fantastic "Oh my gosh! Are you pregnant???" comments at the store or whatever; instead, people will look at me and say, "Wow! You're really....uh....changing! Watch out for diabetes you fat ass!!!" lol I want to have the energy and mobility to play with my kids when they can play and to do all that fun stuff you're supposed to do with your family.

In other, non-baby-related news...

Stink is still looking like crap. He has another bladder infection (hence the pee discussed in an earlier post), so we're treating that with some more Clavomax. We're in month 4 of the allergy immunization program, and every time we have to give him a shot (we're at the 30-day interval now, thank God), we feel awful. He's so scabbed and his hair is so gone that it's hard to find a place to put the syringe. It's awful. We're giving him a year's worth of time to see improvement (next June), and if nothing, we're going to have to do something else.

Mammaw is back at Mom's house. She's having trouble keeping her sugar level where it should be. Even after eating a candy bar, her level is still really low. She'll have to get back to the doctor sometime this week. She is pretty much over-the-moon still about the 3d ultrasound this week, and I'm so glad I can make her that happy.

0 props: