Sunday, December 6, 2009

If you've never been a teacher, there are some things you may not know about children. For instance, did you know their attitudes and behaviors are dictated by upcoming events? Between Thanksgiving and Christmas it is nearly impossible to get the kids to sit down, be quiet, and do what you want them to do. More disciplinary notices occur during this time (write-ups, demerits, things of the like). More children start crowding the afterschool detention rooms. Kids become squirrely, ready to bounce off the walls at any given moment, trying on your patience, and all-around unsettled. This same type of behavior tends to happen just before spring break and at the end of the school year. I would venture to say these are the most trying times of any school year, and anyone who thinks we should add 20 days onto our year has NO CLUE how the behaviors of kids are affected by the timing of the year. When the sun starts to shine and weather starts to warm up, no kid (or teacher) wants to be stuck in a classroom, and that is reflected in their dispositions. Kids are amazing creatures, seriously.

That being said, break is 2 weeks away, I am at the end of my rope, the kids are at the end of theirs, and it is taking everything I have down to the core of my soul to get them through this last stretch of 2009. It's no wonder I feel so worn out all the time!

Last night, we went to the zoo for their Holiday Lights. It was a lot of fun. Freezing, but a lot of fun. Wish I could have taken some pictures, but my hands wanted to stay buried in my coat pockets! We walked around for about 2 hours, which is the most walking I have done at this stage of pregnancy (20 weeks this week). I didn't think much of it while we were there; I wasn't in much pain other than some cramping in my lower, lower gut region--Maybe the baby telling me she'd had enough?? But once we got back to the car and finally got home last night, my body told me just how trying that whole event was for it. My left leg felt like I had run a marathon--it was SOOOOOOOOOOOO sore and achy. I kept having to stretch it because my muscles were all cramped and pained! My back (the left lower side, which I have been having problems with anyhow) was intensely pained, and I could hardly move once we got into bed. Finally, my BOOBS were so sore. Who would've thought that doing something as simple as walking could cause so much discomfort.

In the last few days, my stomach has turned into a very hard and protruding rock when I lay on my back. It's amazing! I can feel my entire uterus around the sides and at the top. I end up sleeping with my hands cupped over this growing mass in some protective, instinctual way. All of this pregnancy stuff is fascinating. It's amazing to be able to feel the things that are growing, though I still haven't felt the baby with any certainty yet. I'm struggling with how much weight I'm gaining, and the fear that I will never be able to take it back off, but I'm glad that what is supposed to be happening is--It's good to know that everything isn't broken!

1 props:

~Carla~ said...

I hear ya girl!!! My kids are homeschooled, but the closer holidays, summer ect gets the harder it is to do school, not just for them, for me!!! Good luck with the rest of the'09 year!!