Thursday, November 5, 2009

I just have to say that I feel 200% better about my decision to use a midwife instead of an OB. Several fantastic things about the midwife are...

1. There are two midwives at the practice and they are both super friendly, experienced, funny, and dedicated.
2. They didn't make me feel bad about anything I said!
3. One of the two of them will not only deliver my baby, but she will also be at the hospital with me throughout my labor. Fantastic!
4. This practice does the standard 20-week anatomy scan, unlike my OB.
5. They have a beautiful office!
6. They will coach me through a non-intervention birth or a medicated birth--yay!
7. They both have experiences delivering women in many different positions (water birth, squatting, etc.)
8. There are two OBs at the practice who will step in if needed (gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, breech baby, etc.)

I am so happy, satisfied, and relieved with this decision. *sigh*

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