Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I am not going to spend all of this pregnancy complaining about this, but I have to admit, this baby is a PAIN IN THE BACK.

I know, I know, it seems early for back pains already, but I've been having this intense pain every single evening since about week 6 of pregnancy. And when I say "intense pain," I truly mean INTENSE. Every night, regardless of the shoes I wear to work or whether I have been on my feet all day, my lower left back hurts so bad that not only can I barely walk, I can hardly change positions when I'm sleeping. Especially during the last two weeks, while the pain is getting even more intense, I wake up several times during the night when I'm unconsciously trying to roll over, to pretty much yell, "Oh my god! Oh my god! Ow! Ow! Ow!" as I have to grab on to either the side of the bed, the headboard, or my hubs just to switch positions. Forget getting up to pee at night--it's definitely a good thing I have a HUGE bladder--because the pain causes me to stumble so badly that I can hardly walk to the bathroom.

Now, I'm not generally one to complain about pain. I have to be getting pretty bad to even recognize that a pain exists. But I realized this pain is "pretty bad" when I just tried to walk down the stairs...every step, the pain shot from my lower left back down to my left mid-thigh. Every step, I thought my leg would give out. Now I know this pain is a lot. I am not looking forward to how much worse it is going to get over the next 23 weeks.

Last night I had the weirdest baby-related dream...I dreamed my belly was like a pocket and that the baby was growing sideways inside the pocket. Whenever I wanted, I could just open the pocket and there she was in all of her tiny glory. The inside of the belly pocket wasn't all gross and bloody or anything, nor was the baby alien-like and translucent. She just looked like and everyday baby (except only 5 inches or so long), pink and healthy, growing sideways in my belly. Weird!

3 props:

Anonymous said...

sounds like she is sitting on your sciatic nerve.. that sucks... i dont think you can really do much about it either.


~Carla~ said...

Aww, such a sweet dream, wouldn't that be cool if you could just peek in on the lil gal that way!! Ya, I agree with Roberta, I think the baby is on your sciatic nerve. I had that when I carried Kelsie and yes the pain is terrible. I had it on the right side though....there is something you can do about it. Find yourself a good chiropractor who can adjust your back....it will give you tons of relief, I know, that's the only way I survived. The pain was intense and it does make your leg give out....not really too safe! Good luck, on congrats on baby being a girl!!

Megs said...

Back pain is the worst...never been preggo, but before my friend comes to visit, I have the WORST back pain...