Monday, November 16, 2009

Sometimes it seems like life turns into some sort of steamroller racing downhill; once it starts going, it just keeps going faster, and faster, and faster!

Stink has been getting worse, so we finally got him into a referral-only dermatologist at the OSU vet hospital. I was there tonight for 3 hours to find out that he has a pretty crazy skin bacterial infection and that all this immunotherapy we've been doing since June may have been causing more harm than good. As of tonight, he's on antibiotics and I have to use a topical antibacterial spray and cleaning cloths on him. Depending on the results of his bloodwork (the dr. said he seems really depressed and she wanted to test his blood for any additional kidney and liver issues), which we will get tomorrow, we may be starting him on a steroid to help get him stabilized and negate the effects of the allergy treatments.

Once he is doing better, we'll figure out the next step, but for now we have to treat and cure the infection.

After this, I come home to find out the homeowner's credit has been extended, which I was desperately hoping would happen. Nathan and I have been talking the last couple of months about trying to buy a house before the baby is born IF we could take advantage of the credit. we can. We can get out of our lease with a two-month rent payment, and doing that while getting the $8,000 credit is a damn good deal. So now, after spending all that we've spent on Stink, we're going to scrounge up our savings again and look into buying a house :)

Like I said...once life gets rolling...

0 props: