Sunday, June 14, 2009

Today, Hubs went to hang out and ride 4-wheelers with a friend of his. When he arrived at dude's house, dude was on the phone with his wife (of less than a year!). He got off the phone and said, "Hey man! She pregnant!! But...she didn't want me to tell you guys since you've been trying so long."

Ugh. That's one more couple who "wasn't even trying" and STILL got pregnant before us.

I just want to vomit.

3 props:

satto said...

uck. That sucks. I'm sorry sweetie. (((HUGS))))

K8e said...

I'm sorry you feel like 'that' couple! IF sucks! I hate being so jealous of pg people! You are not alone...I would want to vom too!!!!

beckylbranch said...

Amen...I hear ya! I feel like "that" couple every day :P