Monday, June 29, 2009

I had my mid-cycle follie check, and I was prepared for the bad news of having only one follie. While in the waiting room, I kept telling myself I would be ok with just one growing follicle; things would be alright.

So, to find out I had NO GROWTH was something for which I was not prepared. There was absolutely NO RESPONSE to the 100mg of Clomid this time.

Here's the plan for the near future...I start 150mg tonight and go back on the 10th for another midcycle. If there is growth, we will move on with the IUI as planned; if not, I will start 200mg of Clomid that night and go back for another midcycle 10 days later. Again, if there is growth, we will do the IUI; if not, it's on to injectibles for me. All of this is, of course, providing my husband doesn't kill me for the raging bitch I become when taking these meds.

My ovaries hurt (I was banking on the pain as a sign of growth, but alas...); my head hurts from this constant disappointment and this seemingly endless path of roadblocks; mostly, my heart hurts because my body won't function the way it's supposed to, and now it won't even function when it's being forced.


1 props:

K8e said...

Boo! I am so sorry! I don't have growth from clomid either and always got two rounds with my IUI cycles :( I'm so sorry! I was always devastated when that happened! Hopefully it will work or if you move to injects they will DEF work!
Feel better! try to do something fun today!