Friday, June 19, 2009

RE appointment this morning--cysts are gone!! Moving on to (yet) another cycle, but this time, we'll be doing 5 days of Clomid 100mg starting tonight, trigger probably on the 1st or 2nd of July based on my own calculations, and the IUI on either the 3rd or 4th (?? If RE does IUIs on holidays). I am feeling slightly optimistic since this is really the best chance we've had so far at this working--given hubs' SA results and finding out that we didn't have great chances in past cycles. In the back of my mind, though, there is some weird, pessimistic voice that says because this is our 1st IUI, it won't work. Like, we need to build up to a successful IUI or something, which I know isn't the case. I have just as much possibility for success with IUI #1 as I do with IUI #7. I hope this works. I hope this works. I hope this works.

In Stink news, we got the allergy treatment for him (all $200 of it, $520 if you count the allergy test!). The treatment consists of about 50 syringes that we will use to administer three vials of serum containing varying concentrations of his 22 (!!!) allergens over the next 200 or so days. As the "allergy treatment diary" that came with the syringes and vials states: "You should see results in 3-5 months." 3-5 months!!! Stink is going to have several layers of skin licked away in that time. I'm hoping it works quicker than that. We (meaning, Nathan) have to give him these shots every other day for the first month, then every 5 days the next couple months, then every 10-12 days for a few more months, then he goes to once a month for the rest of his life. Whew!

1 props:

K8e said...

Yeah no more cysts! Maybe they will add injects with your clomid this cycle!