Saturday, June 6, 2009

Yesterday was my last day with students. Monday is my last day having to go into work (and I only have to be there for half of the day). Then, it's me and 24 hours a day to do abso-freakin-lutely nothing.

This will be nice since it is my first summer completely off in the last 7 years. I have no classes to take, no classes to look forward to taking in the fall, no responsibilities that have to be done for the next 2 months. Wonderful. I thank God for whomever decided that teachers needed a break during the summer. (I do not, however, thank God for whomever invented bras!)

All this free time should allow me copious room for thinking about the important things in life...i.e. IF and buying a home, lol. So, be expecting frequent updates as, undoubtedly, my boredom will lend itself to blogging.

Enjoy the lovely weekend!

1 props:

K8e said...

OMG so jealous! my school doesn't let out until June 19th!!!!!!!!!! They are so bad right now! I teach middle school. What about you? Also this will be the first year I haven't taught summer school ...mostly because I feel like IF is so stressful with teaching (rushing to get there b4 homeroom!)