Sunday, June 28, 2009

Follie Check tomorrow, and I'm hoping for a (two, please) big one. I'll more than likely have to head back to the doc on Wednesday for a second check because mine never seem to be big enough at the first round.

In other news...wait...there IS NO OTHER NEWS, since I've been doing a while lot of NOTHING since school let out. I'm bored out of my mind. This is what I've done so far this break: Read two books (Unwind, and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas) and am halfway through my third (How I Live Now), gone to several movies including the one I went to by myself, went on a few bike rides with hubs, babied my sick cat, cleaned, cleaned, cleaned, organized my file box, played some computer games, cooked dinner, kept up with the laundry, went shopping a couple times while hubs was at work....that's about it. I'm incredibly understimulated.

I think I'm going back to school this fall. I have to go eventually anyhow to keep my license current. I've only got 5 classes and another Praxis test left to get my curriculum specialist license. Of course, this time, I can take my time with the coursework...I'm not in a rush to get things done. If nothing else (i.e. if the baby thing doesn't work out for me by next year), maybe I can spend next summer taking classes. I wouldn't feel like such a useless blob.

IUI #1 coming this week.

1 props:

K8e said...

OMG I am a teacher too and I took off this summer to concentrate on IF and so far I play tetris and read. I am super understimulated too! However our first IVF cycle has kept me pretty busy!

Yeah! FOLLIE CHECK! I hope you have a nice big couple! I always have a million checks!

Classes are good but they are draining while you teach!

Yea IUI #1 !!! GL GL GL GL GL !!!!!! I can't wait to hear how your appointment goes!