Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tomorrow is Hubs' urology appointment. Tomorrow, I also have to call the RE because I'm getting AF tonight, so I will be on CD1. I'm worried about so many things...I still have the cysts and will have to take another month off to do BCPs; We won't be able to do IUI because there will be some issue with the sperm they can get from hubs; Nathan will need a varicocele surgery (or something) that will cause us to have MONTHS off from cycling.

I'm so worried. I'm so tired of doing this. In 16 months, I've only had 1 successful (ovulatory) cycle, and that's it!! I'm just tired of this crap.

1 props:

K8e said...

UGH! I hate the waiting! I am like you we have only been able to 'try' twice this year b/c I don't ovulate without the meds and the meds have been taking forever! GL with the appointment! Hope the swimmers are good ones!;)