Thursday, April 30, 2009

Today, I had my mid-cycle u/s. I was lucky to get it, though, because there was a scheduling error and they didn't have my appointment in their system!! As I was walking in the door, the doctor was walking out. He saw me, said, "Are you coming to see me?" I said yes, and he said, "Come on back." In the fastest u/s I've ever had, I found out I have two beautiful follicles of 14mm, one on each side. He said when I come back on Saturday, I'll be all set to trigger. I asked, "Are they both going to come out?" He said, "Yes. Are you going to be ok with the possibility of twins?" Of course I said, "YES!!!"

If nothing else, I have twice the chance of getting a singleton pregnancy this time around. Now, I just have to wait...

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