Thursday, April 2, 2009

That's right, I got my HCG trigger shot. As I type, a 2cm follicle is prepping to leave my ovary and make its way to babydom. In two weeks and two days, I will know if I'm ktfu! How exciting!

The cutest part was calling my hubs and hearing how excited HE WAS about the trigger. I said, "Guess what? I triggered this time!" He said, "You did? Oh my God! That's awesome!!!" He was giggling with excitement--and for a man who never shows his emotion, giggling with excitement means he was really really excited.

Baby here we come!

In other news, my principal told me I am a fantastic teacher today. I went in to ask a question, and as I was leaving, he said, "Hank, come back here a minute. I just wanted to tell you that you are a fantastic teacher. I meant that. You are a really great teacher." I felt so flattered.

0 props: