Tuesday, October 27, 2009

So, let's just say I don't think this baby likes steak.

Last night, I had a well, well done steak (accidentally overcooked by moi) at 7:30. Between 8:30 and 10:30 I was retching my guts out in the bathroom. I'm talking the worst retching I've had thus far. I actually BLEW A BLOOD VESSEL in my eye from all of the straining and my face swelled up HUGE! IT. WAS. AWFUL. I passed out at 10:30 from the exhaustion and the swelling only to wake up this morning with an awful blood-red eye and a painful jaw.

I really hope Nathan will get me some Arby's on his way home as nothing else sounds even remotely like it will stay down.

Alexis had her baby last night, which makes me soooo excited for her and Dave! Yay to not having to carry a baby anymore! But, boo to poor baby being in the NICU because of lung function :( Last I talked to her (just a few minutes ago), she hadn't even seen baby Aly yet, and it's been almost 24 hours since the c-section.

While I would love to go a little early, I desperately hope everything holds out until my due date (or May 1st or 2nd as they fall on a weekend), because I only have 3 sick days of wiggle room for my maternity leave to be paid.

Thursday is my OB appointment. I'm hoping and crossing my fingers she can give me like an 80% guess about Baby's gender. I'm SOOO IMPATIENT!!

1 props:

Christa said...

Don't they have take-home kits where you pee on a stick and it tells you whether you're having a boy or a girl? You should check it out! I'll definitely try it when I get pregnant!