Thursday, October 29, 2009

Today, we had what I can only call the worst experience of this entire pregnancy.

First, the chick that comes in to get all the info pre-doctor wouldn't listen to me when I told her about triggering, so that have me listed as being only 13w4d. I told her twice that I am about 3 days ahead of that (14w today) because of my trigger shot. She tells me the doc will measure anyhow to confirm delivery date.

Doc comes in. My first question, "Will you be the one to deliver my baby?" Her answer, "No, because I'm actually due about 4 weeks before you." WHAT???? Why didn't anyone tell me this beforehand. I definitely would've switched OBs if I had known that!!! I ask, "When will I meet the person who will deliver me?" She says, "Mid-April." So, you're telling me I will MEET the person who will be DELIVERING MY BABY less than 2 WEEKS before my due date?!?!?!?!?

Anyhow...She decides to use the doppler to find the heartbeat. I undo my pants and she probes around and around by my pubic bone for about 5 minutes. Nothing. Of course, I'm freaking out at this point. So, she decides to do an "ultrasound" (if you want to call it that. Basically, she take the thing out, probes around my pubic bone again and finds nothing. Then, she moves higher. Lo and behold, that baby is about 6 inches higher than it should be right now--it's WAY up behind my belly button. No wonder my belly is getting big already, my stomach had to move to make way for the migrating baby.

She says, "Whoa! I wasn't expecting it to be up that high already. There's the heartbeat, see it?" Well, no, I actually didn't because OB ultrasound equipment sucks my ass. The screen was like 4 inches wide and the baby was so small in the picture that I couldn't see anything. "Let's try the doppler again," she says...after only a 2minute ultrasound.

Doppler...still no heartbeat.

She says, "Ok, well, I saw the heartbeat, so everything's good. See you in a month." And, by the way, they don't do another u/s until 7 MONTHS!!! 7 MONTHS, ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME???? I still have stupid cysts, and they aren't even going to look at them again??? WTF

Then, we go to schedule upcoming appointments. They wanted me in on Tuesday before Thanksgiving, well, I am going on a field trip with the students and there is NO WAY IN HELL I can take that day off. So, I told her this very nicely and she looks at me like I don't deserve to be pregnant. WTF??? I have a JOB, lady. I have RESPONSIBILITIES. You are in the business of working with people, and people have to WORK to MAKE MONEY.

Needless to say, I was unbelievably stressed at this appointment. We are switching to a midwife because we were completely spoiled by the individualized attention we got at the RE, and a midwife would be able to provide us with that kind of attention.


5 props:

Anonymous said...

dude.. i love my gyno.. hes an ob too... looovveeee himm.. you should definately go to him... his name is dr arora.. in westerville.


MrsV said...

No u/s until 7 months my ass. Get away from that dr and fast!

SwtJess21 said...

Oh wow!!! This is insane!!!! This is what they do to military dependants only have two ultrasounds paid for. Unless you are high-risked. My friend that had the drugs to help her get prego, she has had ONE ultrasound and she is like 1 wk behind you. STRANGE MILITARY!! GOOD LUCK!!

~Carla~ said...

That's crazy girl, alot of times you are just a number to the docs. I had a friend that went with a midwife,(I got to be there for the delivery). The midwife was WONDERFUL. Good luck. Sorry you had such a bad first doc visit....

Jessica White said...

WOW! I don't blame you for switching to a mid-wife...that office/OB sounds like a real peach to deal with.