Sunday, October 4, 2009

A couple of things...

First, a recent picture of my beautiful grandma. Every day is a waiting game to see how she is going to feel, whether or not she'll be able to go to work, and whether or not she'll be able to receive her treatments. I wish you all could have the pleasure of such an amazing person in your lives.


Second, today is the first day I have had energy in almost 10 weeks. I've spent many of the last few weekends napping in and out of consciousness, but today...I'm finally awake and working on the things that need to get done! I did a bit of cleaning (not too much to do, though, since my hubs has been keeping it up for at least the last 4 weeks!), finished a bit of planning/reading/quiz making for work, edited some kids' yearbook pages, and I'm thinking about going shopping in a few minutes. I feel really, really great finally. Fingers crossed it isn't just a fluke!

I've put up a new poll that I will be leaving up for the next couple of months. We should be able to find out the baby's gender within the next 6-10 weeks, depending on when I finally make it to the OB and whether the baby cooperates or not. So, I just thought I'd see what ya'll are thinking in terms of gender. I have my thoughts, and Nathan has his (they don't match, of course, lol)...we'll see!!
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