Monday, October 19, 2009

Baby is between the size of a lime and a medium shrimp today. I can finally feel my ute--it's like a hard, hard orange right in my lower, middle belly. I should probably stop poking at myself as it doesn't seem like it's a good thing to do, lol...

I'm not feeling this week. It seems like it's going to go on forever. Four days this week, my kids are reading silently in class (if I don't give them time in class, it won't get done!), which leaves me to dawdle about and get progressively more tired as the day goes by.

The Geemz is now staying at my mom's house. She was at my aunt's for a couple of weeks, now she's staying at mom's. She's not walking as much; she's having a difficult time eating anything (most of it keeps coming back up); she's tired all of the time and has lost 11 pounds in the last month. It amazes me that modern science can make a baby for my hubs and I, but it can't cure something like cancer.

A little over a week until we can see the baby again :)

1 props:

Kathryn said...

Medium shrimp....I love it!

Hope your week goes by quick!