Sunday, October 11, 2009

First, let me relate to you what I woke up thinking this morning. My first trimester should go down in the books as the easiest first trimester in history. I threw up twice, gagged three times, and was super exhausted (but I'm pretty used to feeling exhausted all the time), but I honestly cannot complain. This has been a relatively easy 11 weeks. I've had no miscarriage scares, and I feel pretty good 90% of the time. *Knock on Wood* that the rest of this pregnancy will be as easy.

I have to do some serious cleaning today. The hubs has been keeping it up over the last 5 or 6 weeks, but he's a man, and he misses a lot of the real dirt. For example, there has been a pair of socks (don't know if they're clean or dirty) under the table for the last 3 or 4 weeks, but he doesn't "see" them (or want to go through the hassle of moving a chair and bending over to pick them up). So, yes, I have to go through the house and add my woman's touch, but I'm not going to complain because he has been doing a pretty good job.

This week...I have my 11w4d ultrasound on Monday, and I'm hoping this will be the last appointment with the RE. I'm looking forward to scheduling my "BIG" scan with the OB asap. Tuesday, thank God for having nothing to do! Wednesday we have parent-teacher conferences from 3:00-9:30, so of course, I'll want to kill myself. Thursday, I have to take volleyball tickets from 4 until 7:30ish (PLEASE let me make it home in time for Vampire Diaries!!! Friday, luckily, I do not have school (it's our comp day for the LOOOOOOONG day Wednesday), but it is our homecoming game, and I'm thinking about going to it. Saturday is our homecoming dance, and I got sucked into taking tickets and chaperoning from 7:30-10:30 (Yawn!). So, is going to be a bastard of a week. Don't be offended if I am completely out of commission and unable to text you, call you, or answer the phone when you call and I will be napping in between everything else.

Hey, at least it will help this last week and a half of my first trimester pass quickly!

0 props: