Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Honestly, it has to be the hormones because I have never been so annoyed with so many people in one day. The simplest thing today seemed to send me reeling, and I had to fight to bite my tongue until I got in the car and could call people stupid morons on the phone to the hubs. On my list of annoyances: coworkers, some of my students, the brightness of the sun, the pain I've had in my back for several weeks now (I'm unable to walk without a serious limp in the evenings), and my inability to drink enough water to avoid feeling super swollen in the afternoons and evenings. Ugh to all of it! But I'm sure I won't be as pissy tomorrow--although, as far as the kids are concerned, the ones I had a smart mouth with today probably will hate me the rest of the year, because you know, I'm so mean and "such a bitch" and all...Oh well.

In better news...I thought I had been putting on all this weight. I've been feeling so fat and disgusting for at least the last month, but I was too scared to step on the scale (denial and ignorance are amazing tools for a positive self-esteem). In fact, when people ask me how I'm doing, I usually reply "fat." Most of my pants are unwearable because I cannot button them at all anymore (though I've developed this skill to somehow fasten them up and hide that area of my pants with a sweater. I finally decided to hope on the scale this morning to see what the deal was, and guess what...Other than the 5-7 pounds I put on from my summer of sloth, I've gained NOTHING. I haven't gained a damn thing. So, this excess weight on my middle must just be organs moving or something. I don't know. No other explanation.

Edited to add...My boobs are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sore. It's like knives stabbing be when anything touches them. This has been going on just about the whole time, but getting progressively worse. I now wake up at night when I roll over on them. Ouch!

I've been craving apples and other juicy fruits like a mo-fo. Can anyone tell me why the apples at my main grocery store are $2.99/lb (marked down from $5.99/lb!!!!). I'll die if I have to go without them, but there's no way in hell I'd pay that much for a freaking apple.

1 props:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your boobs. =(

For apples, go to Lynd's Fruit farm! 10 pounds of apples for $10, and it's not time consuming at all, once you get out to Pataskala.