Monday, May 11, 2009

Home--Tonight, we went to three of the 10 houses we looked at yesterday. At this point, we have seen 20 houses and have been inside 3. Of the 3, we found 1 we were over the moon about. This one is in Heb.ron, again, and it is a Dominion home. It's 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, needs a little work as far as flooring and paint goes, but otherwise in awesome condition. It backs to a field that cannot be built on (flood plane area), so it gives the appearance that we have some land. It's really a beautiful house....we may be making an offer, but we're going to take a couple days to decide. LOVE, LOVE, LOVED the house!!

Baby--I'm officially 8dpo and 9dp trigger. I KNOW it's too early to test. I know I shouldn't do it. I know I'll feel better if I don't, but I have 4 tests laying around, and it's going to be hard to make it to Monday. I really need to see a negative, so I can trust a positive...I have had no other symptoms since the random gagging and all-around grossness last week. My bbs haven't been sore, my back has stopped hurting, I have had NOTHING for the last few days, which definitely freaks me out. I had all kinds of symptoms last time, but of course, that came out negative. Ugh...I'm torn. Maybe I'll start testing Thursday? But what if I test tomorrow and get a BFP?? Last time, my trigger was very much gone by 9dp trigger, so shouldn't it be gone today??? I'm at a loss...

So much going on!!!

0 props: