Thursday, May 21, 2009

BOO TO CLOMID CYSTS, and BOO to having to take a cycle off. That's right, cysts on both ovaries. I can do nothing more strenuous than a light walk for the next month.

Yay to getting a semen analysis and an HSG on Tuesday of next week.

BOO to having to have an HSG. I have heard it is as painful as if not moreso than the biopsy, and I will die if it is like that. Grrrr.....

YAY to the fact that missing this cycle puts my potential maternity leave that much closer to next year's summer vacation. I could sooooooooo go for having 16 weeks off with a little one.

BOO TO IF!!! You suck! I hate you.

2 props:

satto said...

I know some people have painful HSGs but mine didn't hurt at all. And I am a big ol' wuss. Seriously the worst part was when the speculum went in (when is that ever fun?).

I hope you are one of the ones with numb nether regions ;o)

Kristen said...

I agree...BOO to IF and IF DOES SUCK!

I agree with hsg didn't hurt. It wasn't the most comfortable thing I've ever had, but it wasn't awful.

I'm sorry to hear about the clomid cysts, but SO glad to hear that Dr. M is moving foward with the HSG and semen analysis. Let me know if you have any questions, okay? ;-)