Monday, May 18, 2009

Today was D-day. The day I should have either gotten a + or AF. But, lo and behold, I got nothing. I got a negative on the HPT, and I've got no signs or symptoms of AF. This time last cycle, I had already had AF for two days and "spotting" for 3 and "major cramps" for about 4-5 days. This time...nothing. Nothing at all.

So, I call the RE and he says to give it a week. I can continue testing during that time, but I should call them if AF shows up. If not, I will have to go in next Monday for u/s to check for cysts and b/w to confirm that I'm not pg.

All of this does two terrible things to me....
1) Gives me hope and optimism that I probably shouldn't have. Is it possible that I could still get a +??
2) Gives me even more hope that I can't put too much stock in HPTs. I mean, if the RE would want to do b/w just to confirm that the HPTs are false, wouldn't that mean that HPTs can sometimes mess up???

I'm so confused about what is going on!!!

0 props: