Monday, May 4, 2009

It is WAY TOO EARLY for anything to be going on baby-wise. I just O'd last night. Starting around 8pm (O time was between 9:30 and 1), I had the most awful pain in my back--a pain I've never felt before. It was on my right side about 6 inches from the trigger injection site. I've read about people having back pain when they O, so I thought maybe that's what it was. I've done NOTHING in the past 4 days that could even possibly lead me to that kind of pain. It feels like the kind of pain you get after you wear high-heel shoes for a really long time and are sore the following day. Today, I woke up with the same awful pain in my back, and I refuse to take anything since I'm holding out hope that this cycle worked. All day today I was in pain. I thought, this can't POSSIBLY still be O pain. There is no way it can last this long. I've never experienced O pain before, though, so I don't know what could be going on. I couldn't even SIT at work today, I had to stand hunched over my little podium all day.

On top of that, I've had some random, short bouts of painful cramping all day. I shouldn't have cramping at all. I'm just wondering if this isn't some weird reaction to the trigger this time. This better not last 2 weeks.

0 props: