Sunday, September 27, 2009

I've been getting sick since Thursday night when I had one of those sleepless nights where every breath burns the back of your throat. It was a full-blown sinus infection by yesterday (Saturday). I felt disgusting yesterday. I was also in the midst of battling some day-long morning sickness, so the porcelain throne was my BFF for most of the morning and afternoon. Today, I woke up feeling a little better--I can breathe intermittently, which is a serious accomplishment--but while in the midst of getting my sore and tired body out of the bed, I had the craziest, biggest sneeze ever and gave myself some crazy whiplash. So, it looks like I'll be spending today not turning my head too far to the right or left and not bending over. Who gives themselves whiplash from sneezing?!? Oh, that's right...I do!

Ultrasound tomorrow...yay! We should be able to see arms, legs, head, and body at this one (as opposed to the blob we've been seeing at the ultrasounds). The baby was 1.1 cm at the last u/s and should have tripled in size by now to over 3 cm. Can't wait to see the little bean!

Side note: I can't stand Rachel Ray anymore with all her GBs and Yum-Ohs and Sammies.

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